While Education and Organizing is building the parts for a new engine the rest of the year.

  • @Hotchip@lemmy.world
    908 months ago

    Didn’t she win the popular vote?

    This is just shit libs blaming the left instead of taking responsibility for running a shit candidate with so much baggage that she lost while “winning”

    If you want to be mad at anyone, blame the dnc.

    • @Bonskreeskreeskree@lemmy.world
      418 months ago

      Bernie would have whooped trump in 2016. Shame the dnc decided to change the rules the day of to avoid a split ticket or God forbid, supporting the actually viable candidate.

      • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        158 months ago

        Bernie would have whooped trump in 2016. Shame the dnc decided to change the rules the day of to avoid a split ticket or God forbid, supporting the actually viable candidate.

        DNC/DCCC isn’t exactly in the business of winning elections. If it comes between winning an election and BAU (they’d rather have a republican they can ‘work’ with), they pick BAU. They’ll happily (and have) fund Republicans over Progressives.

      • @HowManyNimons@lemmy.world
        18 months ago

        Sanders, God love him, was not going to be electable. Had they run him, Trump would have picked up the whole of the big fat moderate lump in the middle of the bell curve.

        Exactly like Boris Johnson did when he ran against Jeremy Corbyn. The capitalists simply won’t allow socialists to win in this environment.

        • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
          98 months ago

          Sanders, God love him, was not going to be electable. Had they run him, Trump would have picked up the whole of the big fat moderate lump in the middle of the bell curve.

          This is simply false, and the same consistent misunderstanding of real politic that keeps the DNC on the struggle bus.

      • @Sludgehammer@lemmy.world
        -98 months ago

        Lol, no.

        Bernie is the Ron Paul of the left; he has a small group of very loud supporters online who by constantly shouting at each other on the internet have convinced themselves that he’s actually some sort of populist god. I mean seriously, he couldn’t even win the popular vote in the Democratic Primary in 2016, losing to Hillery by over three million votes, where were all the extra voters to “whoop” Trump supposed to come from?

      • @TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        78 months ago

        So we’re gonna act like winning the popular vote and losing isn’t a problem in and of itself?


        Apoligists. Apologists all the way down.

      • @Empricorn@feddit.nl
        48 months ago

        Of course it’s a problem. But people point to this and say “the system’s broken [of course it is], so why vote!” Which is what the most fascist, anti-freedom politicians want. Functionality, it’s the same as voting for the ‘R’ in every election.

        • @Hotchip@lemmy.world
          38 months ago

          Systems fucked, but I always vote. Getting blamed while supporting a candidate I despise certainly is icing on the shit cake

    • @AquaTofana@lemmy.world
      198 months ago

      I mean, I will always be mad at the DNC for not running Sanders.

      Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna vote Biden in Nov 2024 though.

        • @AquaTofana@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Bruh I participated in the 2020 Nevada caucuses when I lived there, and I stood for Bernie (which he won btw, Biden took second). Idk what else you want me to do when he didn’t make the final cut.

          I will always vote for the Dem in the General, and do my best to make changes in the primary/local elections where I vote Progressive.

          Otherwise, you risk a Republican winning the General, and that will mean FURTHER devastation for American society at a quicker pace.

          • PugJesus
            48 months ago

            Otherwise, you risk a Republican winning the General, and that will mean FURTHER devastation for American society at a quicker pace.

            Make no mistake - that’s what these people want.

    • @yesman@lemmy.world
      88 months ago

      Don’t you see the contradiction in “she won the popular vote” and “she was a shit candidate”?

      It’s kinda like the contradiction that Bernie could win the general election, but 12% of his voters defecting to Trump wasn’t enough to make a difference.

      Leftists are going to be shouting “the DNC is corrupt” on the gallows after Trump wins.


      • @samus12345@lemmy.world
        108 months ago

        Don’t you see the contradiction in “she won the popular vote” and “she was a shit candidate”?

        No, because the popular vote isn’t how US elections are won. She needed to appeal to the people in the 5 or so states that actually matter and failed to do so.

      • @Asafum@feddit.nl
        88 months ago

        “Leftists are going to be shouting “the DNC is corrupt” on the gallows after Trump wins.”

        This is the stupid shit is see all over lemmy that makes me so mad… Yes the DNC SUCKS but guess what? They’re the status quo right now, and the alternative is literally a fucking dictatorship that has vindictive actions as their highest priority.

        There aren’t even dog whistles anymore, he’s using the word dictator… But yeah BomberBiden… Mr.Genocide… I get it… So that means let Trump win? Seriously?

        • @Hotchip@lemmy.world
          18 months ago

          Yeah, and I’ll still likely vote for Mr genocide all while being blamed for his loss. So why’s it matter?

        • @Hotchip@lemmy.world
          18 months ago

          TF do you think our vote was? I can’t vote any harder or some shit.

          The hilarious bit was all the shit libs backing comey during russiagate. It’s literally his fault she lost.

      • BeautifulMind ♾️
        18 months ago

        Don’t you see the contradiction in “she won the popular vote” and “she was a shit candidate”?

        Both of these things can be true. If “did not vote” had been a candidate in 2016, it would have won in a landslide. Just 8 states + DC had enough voters turn out such that any candidate won more votes than there were eligible voters that didn’t bother. As a percentage of eligible voters, Clinton received 28.43% of eligible voters, with Trump trailing at 27.2% of eligible voters. While Trump outperformed Romney (2012) by 2M votes, Clinton underperformed Obama in 2012.

        As a percentage of the entire US population (including those too young or other ineligible to vote) Clinton got votes from 20.30% of the population and Trump got votes from 19.41% of people.

        They both sucked so badly that just over a quarter of eligible voters/less than a fifth of everybody was all it took to elect Trump

        (source https://brilliantmaps.com/did-not-vote/)

    • DreamerofDays
      -18 months ago

      Or blame both.

      There’s more than one way to solve most problems, and more than one cause as well. Would a stronger candidate have succeeded? Perhaps. But that was a solution for earlier in the process. A solution for late in the process was voters turning up.

      • @Hotchip@lemmy.world
        18 months ago

        We literally had that candidate and he got fucked over by super deligates or some nonsense.

        I’m sick of being blamed when I voted for someone as vile as hrc. Dems lost the vote, not me.

        Maybe if hrc actually showed up to purple states and appealed to actual voters it would have went differently.

    • @Empricorn@feddit.nl
      -38 months ago

      I don’t want to be mad, I want to change things and improve people’s lives. So I vote for the lesser of 2 evils until we can abolish this “first past the post” nonsense.